General Business English Vocabulary are the ones which can be used to speak about various aspects of business without diving deep into technical information. These words allow speakers to introduce their business to others, providing information about their history, present activities, and possibly future plans and intentions. They are useful for presentations in seminars and conferences, or any event where there is need for business representation.
General Business English words also allow people to speak about their business experiences and backgrounds in general. They come in handy when introducing yourself to others in business meetings, giving some information about your professional background, present activities, and future intentions. To present more details and technical information, you need to learn technical vocabularies related to your specialty.
Here is the first set of general Business English words.
Borrow |
Develop |
Establish |
Expand |
Finance |
Found |
Fund |
Invest |
Lend |
Present |
Provide |
Run |
Example: If the company fails to find the funds to run the new project, they have to borrow money from the bank.
Example: Jack and John are discussing possible business development plans in Asia.
Example: Lotus Ltd. was established in 2010 as a limited liability company.
Example: After a couple of years, Lotus decided to expand, first locally and then internationally.
Example: The R&D department has stated that current budget management is critical to successfully financing various projects at the same time.
Example: Jack and Lawrence founded Lotus Trading after Lawrence quit his job.
Fund (n)
Example: The company allocates funds to certain research projects.
Example: By the end of 2019, Lotus will have invested on its third international project in Africa.
Example: The bank is going to lend money to Lotus according to its line of credit.
Example: As the financial manager, John is going to present the board with the financial information and convince them to raise the capital.
Example: John constantly provides financial information to the managers to enable them to better regulate their financial decisions.
Example: Lawrence is the company CEO while Jack runs the sales and marketing department.
Make a list of the information you need to present to other people in seminars and conferences. Using the vocabulary provided in the general Business English series, form sentences that allow you to communicate the information on your list. When the body of information reaches a reasonable size, reorder the sentences and add more ones to create a short introduction for your business or yourself.