As the initiator of communication, the sender is the creator of the message and one who validates or jeopardizes its credibility. A message is a vehicle that carries the sender’s idea, opinion, values and beliefs, and their feelings and emotions. Therefore, for a communication to succeed, it is crucial that the sender is aware of their own motive, goal, and feelings. When the sender is not clear about the underlying foundations of their message, miscommunication or failure is a possibility. Understanding the elements of communication is more important to the sender since they hold the motive that drives them to convey a message. It allows them to tailor their message in a way that serves their goal and appeals to the audience.

The sender’s idea is central to the message

    A communication becomes necessary from the sender’s point of view when they feel a necessity to share an idea with other people. Ideas turn into the topic of communication and the motives that drove the conveyor to share it become the driver. Without a specific idea in mind, the sender fails to communicate effectively. They may speak, but they barely communicate meaningfully, and the audience fail to respond to them. As the initiator of communication, the sender has to keep their idea in mind, otherwise, they become absent and passive.

    For example, the financial director of the company realizes that some expenses have to be avoided this year, otherwise the company will fail to show a profit. Suddenly, the topic becomes clear: financial expenses. The motive is also clear: Lowering expenses, which means that the goal is to decrease expenses. Moreover, in this case there is an urgency because it is clear that the company is going to show loss unless actions are taken. In this case, the information provides a convincing evidence and reason. The financial manager has to address the problem with other managers and the CEO. Hence, a meeting is in order. We now have the setting and the audience. Considering how a clear idea can clarify so many aspects of communication, the conveyor has to give it much consideration.

Sender’s opinion adds to the quality of the message

    The person who wishes to communication a message already has an opinion or a motive. Without a reason, a message becomes hollow and is unlikely to attract the attention of others. Even in an objective argument, where evidence and reasons are given to make a compelling one, the sender’s personal opinion ignites the feelings of the audience through their expression of passion. What distinguishes people’s quality of the delivery of a message is their personal motive for communication. It shows how important the topic is to the presenter of the information.

    A message that is presented with passion and motive is more likely to influence the audience; The opposite successfully manages to bore people and exhaust the speaker. Feelings and emotions that originate from personal opinion can sometimes elevate the quality of the communication. It can also increase the effect of the message when the ultimate goal is to influence the audience emotionally rather than logically.

     If a person’s opinion or values are against the message, they have to deliver a message that they do not believe in or accept themselves. In that case, contradictions become visible and may seriously impair communications. The receivers of the message need to trust that the person’s opinion is in line with the message they convey, otherwise, they may doubt the message as well. The more the similarities between the sender and the receiver’s opinions, the more likely for the communication to become a success.

Sender’s values and beliefs elevate the quality of the message

    Values and beliefs affect how a person and their words are perceived. When someone expresses an opinion that is against their values, it may sound odd or funny to others, but never serious or worthy of trust. In communicating a message, personal values and beliefs add to the strength of the motive and the speaker’s opinion is outspoken with conviction. The conviction that resonates with the audience moves them, bringing the speaker and the audience closer. It builds trust and strong bonds.

    As someone communicates a message that is aligned with their values and beliefs, it moves them first and foremost. The message exudes passion and passion speaks to others next. Receivers of these types of messages become believers overtime, and senders turn into leaders. Perhaps the charisma comes from the fact that leaders speak from heart to heart, by expressing their beliefs through passion. That is why we see leaders in lower levels of the company as well, even among operators in a factory. They may not be well-spoken or highly educated, but they are trustworthy and influential.

Emotions and feelings make the message personal and universal

    A heartfelt communication is perhaps the most influential type. Even in a business setting where people are busy being professionals, showing a degree of personality is by itself a strong message. In a conversation, emotions and feelings personalize the message. They turn a message into one that employees, coworkers, business partners, or even rivals find it easy to connect with. When relationships are more important than making profits at any expense, people find a way to work together towards a common goal, even as competitors. As the initiator of communication, the sender has the ability to set the tone.

    Expressing emotions and feelings can be daunting but also rewarding. Honest expressions of feelings help people better understand each other. It makes them become more considerate both in communication and action. It allows coworkers to see each other as people, not merely competition. Expression of emotions and feelings allows people to bond over both the message and common feelings, bringing them closer. It also creates an environment where people can safely express themselves, rather than suppressing their feelings which affects how they communicate in the workplace.

    A person who avoids or hides feelings, appear distant and that affects how they are received by their audience, even if they are not directing conveying a message. People seem uninterested in what they have to say, no matter how genuine and interesting it is. They lack the means to connect to people. Even if they can make a compelling argument, they are seldom heard.


    Sender’s personal traits play a significant role in creating a meaningful and influential message. In other words, the value of a message and the degree of its impact on other people is closely dependent on the sender. When a person decides to communicate with others, they have already considered at least some of these aspects. The sender has to to integrate them into a message and communicate that to their people of interest. The next post contains information about the message, how it is communicated and how it is perceived.

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